Komatsu Mayor Shinji Wada (left), Nobuhiro Tajima (right), “TAJIMA nao-10J Compartmentalized (ZERO Mitsu Car)”

Komatsu Mayor Shinji Wada (right), Nobuhiro Tajima (left), “TAJIMA nao-10J Compartmentalized (ZERO Mitsu Car)”


New Electric Vehicle Reveal Event at Komatsu City of Ishikawa Prefecture.
Followed by Nobuhiro Tajima’s inauguration ceremony to “SDG’s Komatsu Mirai Taishi”
Literal Translation: SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Ambassador of Komatsu City’s Future

Tajima Motor Corporation Co., Ltd. and TAJIMA MOTOR Co., Ltd. (Both represented by Nobuhiro Tajima with HQ in Tokyo),
Revealed their latest electric vehicle “TAJIMA nao-10J Compartmentalized (ZERO Mitsu Car)”, “TAJIMA ULTRALIGHT EV (Ultra Compact Mobility Prototype)” and “TAJIMA KOKI” at Science Hills Komatsu located in Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture.

Komatsu City Mayor Shinji Wada participated in the commissioning ceremony of Nobuhiro Tajima who’s hometown is Komatsu City as “SDG’s Komatsu Mirai Taishi”. At the press conference, Nobuhiro Tajima presented what actions would partake to promote the use of electric vehicles. The company see Komatsu City as an important location on the other side of Japan in order to develop and promote the new era of mobility.

新型电动汽车在石川县小松市首次亮相,田嶋 伸博先生被任命为“ SDG's KOMATSU未来大使”

2020年9月9日,田嶋汽车集团和田嶋电动汽车开发有限公司(双方总代表:田嶋 伸博先生)在石川县小松市小松科学山宣布推出新型电动汽车“ TAJIMA nao-10J Separate”。 (完全隔离移动),“ TAJIMA ULTRALIGHT EV”(超小型移动车 原型)和“ TAJIMA KOKI”首次亮相。

在和田真治市长出席的仪式上,举行了启动仪式,田嶋 伸博先生被任命为家乡小松市的“ SDG小松未来大使”。在新闻发布会上,我们还宣布了在小松市推广电动汽车的概想。田嶋汽车集团作为日本海一侧的活动基地,将加深与小松市的合作,向大家提供更舒适宜人的新未来生活出行。